Saturday, November 06, 2010

Recent photos taken at work and Halloween night at St James with friends and Esther mei..
Well im feeling so tired now and i wanna slp soon after this post..Hmm i had 3 annual leaves to clear and today is e last day..Shall report to work tml and its Saturday..I shall dress up pretty to work as usual..LOL...Hmm recent newspaper articles had shocked me seriously..Sigh i didnt know why it happened..Anw i cant do anything its out of my control...I just wish Singapore dont go back to e sixties or seventies..OOr i wont be able to live proper i think..And i wanted a new camera its a DSLR...Shit big cost again..Every month not enough money always..Never enough spending...Well okay its time for me to sleep...
Good Night peeps..:))))
1:04 AM
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Finally Ion Roadshow has ended..Its a very tiring and hectic week..Everyone of us are very tired of all the full shifts,stupid customers,very bad sales at times,look at others having good sales,hit target,and still hav to face stupid people inside the MRT...Well its all gonna end soon...All of us are half sick already..Im down with a very bad flu for a week not recovering and then a bad sorethroat..And my knees are bruised also...But im so happy becos im off today and im gonna have 2 days of annual leave every 2 days from tml onwards and i will be meeting Esther mei soon..I just hope my sorethroat will be gone by tml pls...I shouldnt eat so much chocolates la....okay i shall uploads photos of myself soon...
2:08 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

im on off day tomorrow..and dental appointment..hahaha..for adjustment and tightening..OMG..And ive received shocking news which shock all out lifes out like maddness..I almost wanna faint when i knew it...ive really got nothing to say but to stay away from it..And went sentosa with esther mei zhong sheng and uploaded...Enjoy...
10:22 PM
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life with braces..Its not fun at all..Currently im having e most irritating CRAMPS..ITs coming soon la...Hate it la..No come also cannot...Hmm pay in fast and i can have money in my pocket..And its also abt time for dental appointment again for tightening..And its gonna be real painful..Now e metal wont rub on my lips or cheeks as ive put wax on e metal..My collegues and frens said my voice had changed a little..ya true enough as i talked funny and some how weird..hahaha..but sweeter in a way..and i just love my smiles now..with e braces..hahaha...
11:51 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
im back with PINK BRACES...Hahahha..Just nw not pain but now i can feel the damn fuck tightness..i can feel that my teeth is moving...i just close my mouth and shut up..hahaha..cannot eat all e hard usual lor soup,porridge..and thank you for all my work collegues at ion for giving me a big support and sms me whenever i visit the dental..And my daddy and mummy of cos for fetching me home everytime after treatment and thanks dad for cooking herbal soup for me...If nt for my family and work fren i dont think im able to endure all e sufferings..And 2 guys who made me laugh everytime before treatment..i really appreciate...i will post pictures up soon..hahaha..And i shall enjoy the process...
4:13 PM
Monday, September 06, 2010
Went to dental for extraction today..Remove 2 on the right hand side for upper and lower teeth..Wah its damn fucking painful..The pain last for like 3 hrs until slowly not so pain but now is still quite painful..Talk also have difficulty..How when put on braces more jialat..Pain until i can cry like maddness..And sat i will have to go and remove another 2 more on e left side also one upper and one lower thn put on braces..But now e doctor already put in separators on the inner of the teeth for both left and right sides...Lost alot of blood,,When the numbness subsides i can feel the pain more and more extreme..I just lie down watch my tv relax drink ice water then endure until now...But it is also still painful la cos extract 2 mah...Woah have to pay a big price for being pretty lei...Now already cannot eat hard things..Can only eat porridge or drink water lor..
4:33 PM