uSiiN e cOm iiN sChOoL wOrrx..
Thursday, June 30, 2005
haha.ii nw usin e com iin school borriin leii..thiis school hoh berrii wad leii..last tiime 3pm go back then now hoh 3.30pm then can go back leii..berrii tiired leii..every dae so late go back then dunno do wad..then stiill got cca..then thursdae stiill need to go to iit and musiic lesson go back soo late..haii ya..tml go orchard wib mabel leii..mii wana go and buy roxy e bag then we go paii neopriintss..we first tiime paii leii..haha..lolx..tml school berrii good coz can go back early ma..all e teachers got meetiing so all e cca cancel then school ends at 12.40 leii..haha..ii berrii e happy worrx..hope tml wiill hav a enjoyable dae lorx..nth to sae liiao..buaiii buaii..
3:58 PM
wEnT tO eScApE wOrrX..
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
haha..muii went to escape with xiiao ken,leon,keiith,niicky and weii leong on e last dae of e school holiidaes worrx..means on e sundae lorx..haha..that dae berrii fun leii..fiirst game we went to play ish e haunted..wah seh..damn scarry man..ii go in come out again..haha..cause e ghost suddenly pop out.real scarry worrx..lolx..then second game iish panasoniic..this wan even worse arh..muii one person siit iin front then niicky and e keiith siit behiind..then e turns are all verii sudden adn sharp..wah..that wan best man.muii shout untiill no voiice..then keiith e sliipper sad..went to buy sliipper then we go makan..then after that go play fliiper that one so shook but berrii diizzy..wan to vommiit after that but berrii fun..that dae realii berrii fun leii..muii that dae onlii e gal worrx..berliin they all dun wan go then ken they all bully mii worrx..aiiya..nebber miind choiice who ask mii like to play go wib them lorx..hai..but that dae berrii fun..enjoy e dae over there..
4:22 PM
tML gO tO sChOoL le..
Sunday, June 26, 2005
hmm..tomorrow go to school le worrx..haha..todae mii change e way of wriitiing coz berii tiired worrx..lolx..anyway todae leii..berrii early use com coz nth to do lorx..just nw go update mahh friendster blog..then now dunno wad to wriite liiao le..keex..yesterdae mii hoh use 2 hrs to mahh hwk leh..i fiind e words in e dictiionary hoh util ke siiao leh coz so many and e words all berriii e long..then math hoh e papers e questiions some miix up i fiind until ke siiao oso..but then fiinish le..except mahh chinese e jiian bao haben do..coz ii already forget wad to do liiao reopens i dun hab tiime to go and wriite smth on mahh blog le coz e hours berrii ,ong then stiill need to work then still got traiiniing leii..hmm so maybe tis wiill be mahh last post le la..i will stiill wriite la but not so ofen lorx..sometiimes oso dunno wad to wriite..ok le to stop here le la..anyway mahh frewns..happy ending holidae worrx..tml go school le worrx..muz study hard le..siianz..buaii buaii..
10:33 AM
sO sAd..oNe mOrE tO sChOoL wOrrX..
Saturday, June 25, 2005
hMm..yEstErDaE mUii gO aNd pLAy BoMbErMaN..PlAYStAtIoN e gAmE..bErrii fUn lEii..cOz ii cAnNoT uSe cOm sO gO aNd pLaY e gAmE lOr..hahaha..i aLWaYs kAnA bOmb..tHeN dIe..mAhH bRotHeR cOmE aNd hElp muii pLAy tHeN kEep oN wiiNiiNg..hE bErrII cLeVer hOh..bErrII lAmE hOh..14 yRs liiaO sTiiLL pLaYiNg tIs tYpE oF gAmE..bUt i fEeL bErrii nIIcE wOrrx..lAtEr iF nTh tO dO..ii tHiiNk gO pLaY aGaIIn..hAbEn tO hOmEwOrk wOrrx..lAtEr tHeN dO..gOT aLoT wOrrx..sLoWlY dO lOrx..haha..lOlxx..
1:04 PM
aIIyO..tOdAe MaHh nOsE nEbBeR sIIcK liiAo..
Friday, June 24, 2005
haha..tOdAe mAhH nOsE nEbBeR sIIcK lIIaO..aNyWaY dUn nEed tO wOrRy aBT iiT cOZ mAhH nOsE bErrII sEnSiitIvE sO eVeRy mOrNiiNg wILL [aH cHOo] dE..kEeX..mAhH nOsE oNe dAe nEbBeR [aH cHoO] wIll dIe sO lEt iiT bE lOr..hAii..lAtEr 5 sTiiLL nEeD tO gO wOrk..mUii iS wAiTiNg 4 e tV sHoW [tiiAn sHii wO aii nii] i tHiiNk bErrII nIIcE lEh..aCtUaLLy gOt xIIe zHii fRoM 5566 cOmE dE bUt bEcOz hE bErrII bUsY tHeN qII yII wU tAkE oVeR hIs pLaCe lOr..iF xIIe zHii gOt cOmE tHeN gOod..bUt i tHiiNk e mEdiiaCoRp wIll bE fUll hOuSe..tHiS sHoW sEeMs tO bE niicE..
11:16 AM
jUz cAmE bAck fRom wOrk..
Thursday, June 23, 2005
aIIyO..eVeRydAe wOrK bErrII tIIrEd wOrrx..bUt wEii lE qIIaN aNyThIInG oSo cAn sAcRiifiiCe..nO mOnEy bErrII kE liiAn dE lEh..wAn tO bUy wAd oSo cAnNoT..nO wOrk oSo bErrii bOrIn..mY eLsE wEll gO wOrk..Ok lAr nT tOo tiirEd..cOZ e pLacE qUiTe qUieT dE sO qUiTr rElaX lorrX..gOt mOnEy cAn LiiaO..haha..aIIyO..hAbEn dO hOME wOrk lEii..dUnNo wHeN wAn tO dO..hAii..aBt bLog i wAn tO pUt sOmEtHinG bUt dUnNo hOw..aSk pEopLe i oSo dUnNo hOw tO eXpLaiiN..nTh tO wRiiTe lE la..cOntiiNe mAhH sTory aNoThEr tiiMe..
9:49 PM
sO sIck
hAi..tOdAe..sIck..yEsTeRdAe uNtil nW mAhH nOsE kEeP oN sNeEzInG nOn sTOp..mAhh nOsE nT pAIn i sO pAin..jUz cReAtE fRiEndSter bLoG aNd pHOtO aLbUm..iF eUu aLL fRee cAn gO aNd sEe..iF eUu aLL hAv cAn oSO lInk mii..tHaNk eUu..tOdAe eArLy uSe cOm sO cAn gO uPdAtE aLot oF thIngs lOr..lAtEr sTill nEed tO gO wOrK..sO sIaNx..tHrEe mOrE dAes sChOol rEoPen lIao..cAnnot pLaY liAo..cAnnOt uPtAtE blLogS lIao..sO sAd..hOmEwOrk sTill hAvEn dO lEh..dIe lIao..haha..sTill sItinG iN fRoNt oF cOm uPdAtE bLogs..
11:25 AM
hOpE eVeRyThInG wIll bE sEttLe nIcEly..
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
hMm..yEsTeRdAe mUii wEnT tO wOrK nO tImE tO wRiTe sOmEtHinG..gE dOu tIaN wAnG wAtCh fInIsH le..bErii bErii nIcE..e eNdInG sO nIce aNd iNtErEsTiNg..mii jUz cOmE bAcK fRoM tRaInINg oNlY..yEsTeRdAe hAppEn aLoT oF tHiNgs..mii dUn wAn to sAe aBt tHaT le..hOpE eVerYtHinG wIll bE aLrIgHt bA..aNd i wAn tO sAe iSh wHaTeVer eUu dO..mUz tHiNk pRoPeRlY fIrSt bE4 eUu dO..aLL lAtEr iF eUu rEgReT tHeN iT wIll bE tOo lAtE lIaO..eVer tHiNk tHaT pEoPlE aRoUnD aRe cArIn aBt eUu..dO nOt mAkE tHem uNhApPy aS thEre aRe hAvIn pRoBlEms tOo..maHh pAreNtS oSo aLwAYs sCoLd mii bUt nT aT oUTsIdE la..cOz i sTiLL wAn mAhH fAce..bErii lAme hOh..haha.. ][ren wang wang bu dong de zhen xii shen biian de xiin fu..chang chang mang mu dii juii qiiu meng xiiang..yii dan xiin fu yuan qu shii caii hui hou huii..yii jiin taii chii le..biie wang le cheng jiin guan xiin nii de xu zhii you jiin shen meii you laii shii..][
11:45 AM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
hAii..tOdAy sO sIaNx..lAtEr sTill Need tO gO n wOrk..tOdaY hOw tO sAe lEI..e dAe i tHinK qUitE oK bA..hAha...mii hOpE tHaT wHeN sChOol rEoPeNs..wIll hAv nO mOrE pRobLeMs lOr..mii hOpE eXaMs cAn bE bEtTeR...bErII sTrEss wOrRx..tHiS yEaR nO mId yEaR sTrAiGhT aWaY eNd yEaR mII sO sCaReD wIll gEt bAd rEsUlTs..bUt mii wIll hOt hArDer lOrx..nO cHoIcE...aLtHoUGh sOmEtImEs wAn tO pLaY bUt sTuDiEs iSh fIrSt pIrOItY..dUn nOe hOw tO sPeLL..hAhA...mE yEsTerDae sO aNgRy aBt nIcKy cOz i dUn liKe tO bE acCuSeD..aNd tHen iNnOcEnT lEOn aNd mAhh bRoThEr gOt sCRaTcHed aNd hIt ..hAi..
2:48 AM
sOmEtHiNg hApPeN iN mAhH hOuSe tOdAe..
Monday, June 20, 2005
hMm..tOdAe aFtEr wAtChInG gE dOu tIaN wAnG wIf mUhH bRoThEr,xIaOkEn,kEiTh,lEON,NiCkY aNd gArY..tHeN nIcKy hAnDpHoNe lOsT tHeN cAnT fInD..kEeP oN bLaMiNg mII bUt i SwEaR i nV mIsPlAcE hIs hP..tHeN hE fOunD hIs hP aT PiLlOw tHeN sAe iSh mii..bUt rEaLLy iSh nT mII..tHeN hE gO n sCoLd lEoN wItHouT aNy rEaSoN..mii tHiNk hE kE xIaO lIaO lE..lEoN e hAnD aLL bLeedIng..cOz hE gO n sCrAtCh hIm...sO sAd..bUt lEoN kEeP cLaIm n hE wAcK nIcKy gAo gAo (solid-solid)...hIs hAnD sO pOor tHiNg..IsH nOt wE gO n mIsPlaCe hIs hP dE..aNyHoW bIt aNd sCoLd aNd sCrAtCh iNnOcEnT pEoPlE..aNd uSe e mArKeR cAp gO n tHrOw mAHh bRoThEr..wAn 2 bIt xIaOkEn..nV cHeCk pRopErLy tHen gO n sCoLd PpL..iF hE sCRaTcH oR iNsUlT mii hE will gEt iT fRm mii..aLwAyS lIkE tHaT dE..
12:24 PM
tOdAe sTaY aT hOmE wAtCh gE dOu tIaN wAnG..
hMm..tOdAe qUiTe bOrIn lA..sChOoL hOlIdAeS wAn tO oVeR lIaO..sOo sAd..hOw To sAe leH mII sAe aT hOmE wAtChInG 5566 e gE dOu tIaN wAnG..bErii nIIcE wOrRx..iF eUu aLL fRee cAn gO aNd wAtCh..mII yEsTeRdAe oSo sPenT e dAe wAtChInG sHoWs..yEsTeRdAe wAtCh cHuI fEnG sHaO nIaN..iT iSh aBt a gRoUp pEoPlE pLaYiN bAsEbAll tHeN oFtEn qUaRrEl bUt aFtEr aWhIlE tHeY bEcOmE mAtUrE aNd oNcE agAin fRiEndS..qUiTe oSo..mAhH bRoThEr tHeY aLl nW hAvIn a mAtcH..hOpE tHeY wIll wIn..aLL e bEst tO aLL tOnG hUa mEmBeRs...hOpE tHeIr hArdWoRk wILL nT bE wAsTeD..
7:12 AM
eArLy mOrNiNg's mAkE mAhH nOsE sIcK..
Sunday, June 19, 2005
hAi..eArLy mOrNiNg e aIr-cOn pErSoN sOo eArLy cOmE..mAhH nOsE kEeP oOn sNeEzInG nOn sToP..mAhH nOsE bErii sEnSitIvE..mUii sOo aNgRy cOz mAhH nOsE bErII pAiN tHeN bErii rEd bA..hAhA..mii OsO hAvIn cOuGh aNd gAstRiC..nOw mUii gRoAnInG iiN pAiiN sO pAin mUhH sToMaChE...mUii bErii lAzY tO gO dOwN aNd eAt ..lAtEr tHeN gO eAt bA..eArLy mOrNiNg dUnNo wAd tO wRiTe..mUii lAtEr sTiLL nEeD tO lEt mAhH bRoThEr tO uSe tHe cOm oR lAtEr wAr stArTs..haha..aNyWaY nTh tO wRiTe..mAyBe nItE oR tOmOrRoW tHeN wRiTe aGaIn lOrX..bUaI bUaI..
2:08 AM
lUrBb hUrTs..
Saturday, June 18, 2005
hAiZ..lUrBb hUrTs wOrRx... ][bIaO mIaNn sHaNg hEn hApPy kE xIIn qUe zAii kU][ ][yI gE rEn De xIIn bU sHii wAn mEii dE][ ][dUo dUo sHaO sHaO dOu hUii yOu bA hEn][ ---O---lAugHinG hEre cryIng bEhInd---O--- wAd i kNoW isH tHat eVeRyBoDy's hEaRt hAvE bEen hUrT bE4 i hAd nV sEen a pErsOn hEaRt nOt bEiN hUrt..aNyWaY e wOrDs tHaT i wRoTe aBoVe iSh mAhh aN hAo..cOz iTs rEal... -".-". ( "o") (("')(") a cArE bEaR 4 aLl oF eUu...tAkE cArE.. ('v') hUrTs..
3:01 AM