hmm..jj liin jun jiie comiin tu iimm on der 10th of sep..
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
hehe..last sun superstar they all come..wah seh..then thiis sat jj liin come..ii buy hiis cd ler..maybe goiin there to see hiim..haii..tomolo superstar iish gona be whu leh..wiill jun yng and kelly hab a contract wiit play musiic leh..ii dunno..haii..hope jun yang can hab der contract wiit kelly..becos they siing der song berrii niice..nw ii noe why jun yang shoo sad when he lost..cos he cannot perform or siing wiit hiis best frewn jj liin..but oso no choiice liiao leh..they wan weii liian to wiin then wiin lor..but jun yang der fans iish alot lor..when he sae he lost becos of fans..bluff ppl der..he so many fans untiill dunno how many arh..he loose to fans..bluff ppl der lor..ii oso dunno why they giiv weii liian tu wiin..haii..''hen qii daii shuii shii jue duii superstar''..
12:11 PM
shuaii shuaii der jun yang..
Sunday, August 28, 2005
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6:29 PM
hehe..superstar gona come tu iimm on sundae worrx..
Friday, August 26, 2005
yo..long tiime no post ler worrx..haha..cos der other tiime computer spoiil ler..then nw okiie liiao der superstar on wed then saw jun happy leh..but then hoh..aiiya..but weii liian and kelly..ii hope kelly can wiin becos she gt that type of pattern suiits superstar der most..and she liike to smiile oso..not ii dun wan weii liian iin iish becos tu sae leii..not hiis eyes..iish ii feel kelly suiits better then weii liian..but stiill hope they dun play cheat lor..cheat ppl oso no use der most ppl hate onlii lor..but jun yang out ii berrii sad but he out liiao stiill gt ppl wan tu siign hiim stiill nt that bad least stiill gt der chance tu produce hiis cd or songs lor..ii realii hope he can 'chu chang piian' cos he siing der songs berrii hope he iin 'haii diie yiing yue' gt better 'qiian tu'..haha..hmm..sudae iish weii liian and kelly der dunno wad lar..but der 24 qiiang gt come ii wan tu go there and look out for der superstar..
5:25 PM
wah lao eh..why jun yang out..
Friday, August 19, 2005
berrii angry leii..der weii liian iin..hate hiim leh..'haii' derriick out liiao stiill nt enough..then nw snatch away jun yang der place..yesterdae when they report der results..ii actually berrii der happy coz at fiirst iish jun yang then suddenly change tu weii liian leh..mahh feeliing suddely all change..mahh tears came rolliing down mahh cheeks..ii saw jun yang cry ii more sad..cos everybody neber care fer hiim all go fer der weii liian..mii so hope that iish jun yang der one whu can be der superstar..then nw he out liiao..berrii der 'ke xii' lor..he such a good siinger iish jus der other tyme siing der aii hen jiian dan out of tune onlii mars..ppl sorethroat oso cannot blame..then der weii liian oso siick but der 'piing pan' keep giiviing hiim poiints der..berrii der nt faiir lor..he bliind so wad..wad can he tyme how can he surviive by hiis own..stiill niid der help of other ppl..iif jun yang go iin more good..he siing song liike liin jun jiie so niice..nt liike der weii liian..dunno siing wad iidoiit song..weii liian hoh..autograph siign wrong make hiis fans angry then walk down der staiirs fall down arh..derriick out oso becos of hiim..and nw jun yang out oso becos of hiim..berrii der nt faiir leii..hiis fans and 'piing pan' all 'tong qiing' hiim der..let hiim wiin..stoopiid..stopiid..stopiid..#$%$#*&#%$
5:46 PM
jun yang rawks worrx..
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hehe..jus watch fiiniish der jue duii superstar worrx..fiinally jun yang make iit worrx..hope he can 'chu chang piian'..ii wiill go and buy..he siing song berrii der niice leii..all der song that he siing all ii berrii der liike..he giiv mii a kiind of feeliing that he looks liike 'xiiao an' der 'zhen qiing' hong kong show..but maybe tu euu all iit nt..but too mii yes..haha..haii..hope he can wiin lor..iif weii liian wiin ii can go and bang der wall liiao ler..ii thiink he siing song sometiimes out of tune der and wrong lyriics oso..jus nw siing der tong hua liike berrii funny leii..but oso cannot scold hiim la..iif he siing song niice then okiie lor..but tu mii nt niice..nt ii 'piian xiin' lor..ii more concentrated on der boii team..tu mii gurls aiiya..nth la..gurls mahh..of course iish boii better..ii liike sliiver but she out liiao too bad..actually ii vote fer derriick der but he oso out liiao ler..why all der alot of ppl support der all out wan..liike cheatiing liike that..ii rather left derriick and jun yang..more better lor..realii hope jun yang wiin worrx..yooh are mahh yong yuan der jue duii superstar..jun yang rawks..hehex..
10:17 PM
yesterdae der bbq
Sunday, August 14, 2005
haha..yesterdae iish mahh gan jiie der so many food niid tu bbq..wad a busy yesterdae..and a berrii hot dae..ii bbq chiickens,prawns,fiishballs,chiinese sausage,satay,otah and hotdog..ii stand on der bbq pit quiite long la..then at niight ii go riide biicycle..mahh brother go and watch der maiid wiit hiis friiend liiao then come tu der bbq..mahh gan jiie der friend some last miniute then come then no food liiao then she and her bf go and buy lorx..then der liights hoh ten o clock liiao off already..cant see anythiing lorx..then todae stiill hab tu prepare fer tomorrow der reap..dunno iish hiistory or sciience..niid tu prepare fer two..haii..then later stiill niid tu work..soo der siian..dunno whether wiill do der reap not..
11:40 AM
late iin der niite..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
hmm..juz came back from work worrx..hehex..haii..juz bath der relax..aiiyo..mahh ganjiie thiis saturdae biirthdae worrx..hope iish a enjoyable dae fer her..sat dunno wan tu do wad be4 goiin tu biirthdae maybe go buy smth or play blogspot lorx..haha..or maybe early go tu her hse lor..nw liisteniing tu der musiic mahh kor kor ask muii liisten der..der websiite iish all can oso go and liisten lorx..iish flash..then iish miixed der song..liike many many versiion lorx..can try liisten lorx..keex..anyway create post another dae lar..haha..buaii buaii..
10:38 PM
ke liian der mii..
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 liian der mii..haii..wan tu watch der maiid..all at tu scarry..later watch liiao dun dare tu go home ar..haha..tudae siick agaiin..mii everydae oso siick der la..nt flu iish stomache..todae iish flu haha..ii berrii scared iish flu untiil nose bleed then diie liiao..mahh nose cannot always nose good lor..riite mars..keex..tiis stupiid blog skiin cannot put liinks der..wan tu change blog skiin agaiin..maybe tomorrow lor..tomolo berrii der free..haha..hope mahh wiishes can come true..berrii e diifiicult worrx..ii hope...dun tell euu..mahh dreams iish iinsiide mahh miine and heart...tell euu ler waiit nebber come true to stop here ler..buaii buaii..
1:01 PM
aNgRy aNd iiRiiTaTeD..
Friday, August 05, 2005
todae as usual lor..go tu school lorx..haha..some ppl let mii see liiao berrii e ][bu shuang][ ask euu one questiion oso cannot meh..euu tiink euu berrii good meh..gib mii tiis type of attiitude..dun wan sae then dun sae euu wiish..and ii nebber do anythiing wrong tu euu..oso nebber go and kiil ur famiily..yy euu muz liike thiis..everytiime sae mii..euu thiink euu berrii good meh..ask yourself euu good anot..see properly fiirst before euu go and sae ppl okiie..euu do wrong ii oso nebber go and sae or scold euu or sae behiind ur back..y muz euu do tiis tu mii..ii wiill nebber ever ferget what euu hab done tu mii..iif ii got do wrong euu sae mii nebber miind..ppl whu do wrong der euu nebber sae but sae mii..euu see mii ][bu shuang][ iish iit..ii hate ppl whu liike tu sae mii behiind mahh back..euu wan euu tok iin front..euu dun thiink ii easy bully okiie..ii berrii berrii der HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE der ppl whu iish liike euu..ii wiill nebber ever ever ferget der..
6:16 PM
iin school use der com worrx..keex..
Thursday, August 04, 2005
hehe..mii now iin der school worrx..usiin e com play play..aiiya..later stiill niid tu go work..hmm..todae mabel nebber come tu school e siianx..nothiing tu do..andrew and qiiu han make us laugh duriin mrs yiip e engliish funny..mii and yii qii laugh untiil wan tu diie..then juz now geography class siti lets us open our textbook when doiin e structured questiion..but too bad our class e clock spoiil liiao then over shot der tiime then she forgot then no choiice lorx..can onlii copy a liitle biit..anyway got pass can liiao ler tu do other thiings ler..
3:43 PM
hmm..went to lot one todae..
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
hehe..juz came back from lot one worrx..bath le later wan to go and eat liiao..actually todae ii wan tu wriite e post at school duriin iit lesson der but hoh e lesson to on thurs so at home write lor..juz nw go lot one take funny..then go and buy miichelle e biirthdae present lor..haii..ii got alot of frewns biirthdae one e 5th of augest leh..then next week natiional dae so good can dun need tu go tu school..hmm..and thiis iish oso mahh new skiin worrx..juz create yesterdae..
6:03 PM