hehe..now at school..diin der survey..
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
hehe..mm..mii now at school..jus fiiniish doiin der school survey ler.thn use der com tu create post lor..hahas..yesterdae,,mm,,mii and mahh brother quarrel lor..becos of der com..haii..iim jus wonderiin why he shoo liike tu play der game..ii wan tu use..oso cannot use der lor..ii always use yen miinutes thn giib hiim use..thn ii oso cannot chat wiit mahh frewns lor..ii use one dae oso not more thn he use a week lor..of course ii wiill angry la..iif others..whu wiill not angry der..haii..but too bad lor..he iish mahh onlii der brother..always mus let hiim..whu ask mii iish hiis jiie...
2:13 PM
haii..hab gastriic agaiin
Monday, September 26, 2005
yesterdae..hab fun..thn ferget tu eat diinner..thn todae morniin gastriic..but thn yesterdae ii oso nt hungry thn ii nebber eat mars..thn why morniin wiill hab gastriic der..hate mahh stomach leh..why other ppl seldom liike thiis..but ii am always liike thiis..born wiit thiis type of stomach realii berrii der ''xiin ku''..haii..but oso no choiice la..jus hope that when exams dun gastriic or stomache can liiao cos gastriic iish berrii paiinfull..when yooh stand then der muscles wiill keep on pulliing..jus iimagiine..pulliin ur stomache..omg..iish jus shoo paiin lor..then can onlii liie down..haii...
2:58 PM
hahas..todae went tu sentosa
Sunday, September 25, 2005
haii..todae went tu sentosa wiit mabel,,yiiqii and elena..then we went tu der beach..and draw der names of der ppl we liike..hahas..shoo fuuny..then take piictures lor..then we went tu sat der chairliift..shoo exciiitiing..shoo scary..fer mii la..cos ii berrii scared siitiing on a chaiir then shoo hiigh..then mii and elena some more wear skiirt..even worse siia..gt ''tiiko pek'' downstaiirs looked up..haii..''tiiko means tiiko''..haha..then berrii late liiao then we go home lor.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
9:57 PM
saw an stoopiid iidoiitic pervert..
yesterdae went out wiit mabel,,yiiqii and seeyii..go tu mabel hse tu waiit fer seeyii..thn at niight when goiin home..a indiian guy siit besiide mabel..thn keep on siingiing and siingiing..shoo funny..ii laugh untiill ii almost....hahas..then yiiqii asked mii why ii laughiing..thn ii told her der man siiao siiao der lor..then seeyii siit iin front of us but she faces at us then der iindiian man wan tu ake her piicture leh..wah..thn seeyii turn bck then siit usual way lor..then after yiiqii get off der bus..then about dunno one or two stops then he get down..then we was..''heng arhx''..haha..thn mabel sae he keep moviin near her lor..wah lao..then keep on lookiin at mii..then smiile..siiao der lor..then later go out agaiin..hahas...
11:06 AM
haii..todae headache..went home early..
Friday, September 23, 2005
haii..yesterdae nebber slp properly..make mahh head todae shoo der paiin..then hiistory lesson shoo der siian lor..and mahh head shoo paiin..dun even noe wad der cher tokiin abt..then after that liiterature then mii,,mabel,,yiiqii and dunno whu take der dunno wad test..cos der other tiime we all ''pontent''..haha..shoo bad hoh..no la..actuall that tiime iish after der camp...then shoo tiired tu go tu school mars..so we ''pontent lor''..lols..then after that recess..ii go down offiice call marmmiie lor..then waiit fer der dm cos he go tu meetiin..waiit shoo lon leh..then go and packet riice cos hungry..then waiit er der bus shoo long then ii walk home liiao..then twelve then reach home..then on com then go bath..thn go eat lor..haha..
12:30 PM
stoopiid der leh..go and play der KOTEX..
Thursday, September 22, 2005
tUeS..20 sept 05 wah lao..der dunno whu go and play KOTEX..a few daes ago..duriin der art lesson..berrii wad leh..go and paste on mahh table..stoopiid leh..iif let mii noe hoh..der person sure diie diie der lor..go and play that type of thiings..nth tu play iish iit..berrii fun iish iit..touch KOTEX..yooh sure berrii ''SWAY'' der lor.. wEd..21 sept 05 go tu mabel der hse after school lor..then elena they all wan tu come then mabel they all already book mii liiao..so ii go tu mabel der hse lor..then go lot one mabel they all buy nasii lemark tu eat..then take 190 tu mabel der hse..then reach mabel der hse liiao..ii eat fiirst..then after we all eat fiiniish liiao..yiiqii sae she stiill hungry..then ii sae ii cook noodle fer her tu eat..then ii cook fer yiiqii and miich tu eat lor..haha..cook fiiniish liiao..wash der pot,,bowls all lor..thn we went tu yahoo search fer der toys then all der pervert der thinngs come out leh..haha..laugh liike mad lor..then miich fall alsleep..thn dun diisturb her lor..then after that ii take bus go home lor.. thu..22 sept 05 haha..nw at school lor.iit lesson lor..at fiirst dun wan come der..then xiiao jiie go home liiao then ii go iit lesson lor..use der com..haha..sae three daes der thiing at one go..so funny..todae nothiin much lor.as usual lor..ms siitii noe ii xiiao jiie der sista..call mii joseph's siista..ii surpriised lor..how she noe der..haha..
3:46 PM
hmm..change tagboard ler..
Friday, September 16, 2005
ii change becos mahh old one berrii ugly lor..haha..no lar..ii prefer others..ii saw alot of ppl usiin mahh..then sometiimes der cbox siiao siiao der..so nt save...hmm..thks tu mabel,,yiiqii and miichelle that they told mii abt..hmm..secret lar..but ii am happy they help mii..''xiie xiie nii men'' ..ii noe maybe sometiimes ii siiao siiao der..ii hope can be as usual lor..everybody oso wiill do wrong thiings der mars..all else how tu learn frm wrong..hmm...tomolo goiin out wiit them..thiis yr der lantern festiival so boriin der..haii..nw nebber play wad candles arh..fiireworks arh..last tiime so happy gt mhh brother..xiiao ken they all we play together.ii stiill remem der ziipoo..haha..that one so fun seh..hope dae can pass fast..exams comiin soon der..oct 7 start liiao..so siian iish that hiistory paper iish gona be on maybe der fiirst few daes bah..and hiistory so diifiicult tu learn..haii..hope can pass all subjects then ii happy liiao..haha..anyway everybody mus jiia you ler..jiia you..
10:36 PM
long tiime no see..haha..
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
hmm..ii gt a few tiimes wana post somethiing but lazy lor..hmm..tok abt saturdae bah..haha..ii went tu plaza saw superstar..wah sehh..they all hoh..aiiya..dunno how tu sae..come fer 40 miinutes plus onlii..then after that ii went tu iimm tu meet esther..go see jj liin jun jiie..yooh noe speciial guest iish jun yang leh..lucky ii gt go there haha..then 24 sep they comiin tu tiiong bahru plaza...maybe goiin wiit wan jun lor..cos she ask mii tu go wan mars..but iif she nebber go then ii oso nebber go lor cos one person berrrii lonely..der other tiime go myself already quiite loney ler..but can take theiir viideos and piics nt bad liiao lor..haha..
6:44 PM
hmm..der daes ii had iish gona be more and more quiiet..
Friday, September 09, 2005
haii..these few daes oso nebber onliine liiao..mahh brother keep on usiin..then der niights ii went to mahh ''biiao meii'' der house lor..cos so boriin..mahh two gan jiie or now not workkiin at bata ler..one work at far east one at lot one..haii..these daes hab them mahh daes went fast..now iish liike last tiime ler..beiin all alone ler..haii..sometiimes realii feel berrii bored lor..they make mahh daes happy..ii feel that lst tiime iim nt so happy and carefree der..they realii liike mahh real jie jie..haha..hmm..superstar comiin to bukiit pangjang tomolo..goiin there tomolo..berrii ''xiin fen'' worrx..haha..can see them agaiin..haii..hope thiis tiime can take theiir piic carefully..der other tiime alot of securiity guard blockiin and so blur..haii..mahh ''jii shu'' nt good..haha..and so many ppl go there der all so tall wan..cant even see..haii..but stiill can see when they go toliiet..standiin iinfront of mii leh..haha..so happy then..hmm..''hen qii daii miing tiian der ta men''..yeah..
3:06 PM
hard tiime catchiing a bee..
Saturday, September 03, 2005
haii..jus now ii was chattiing half way..then goes a 'buzziing' sound..so 'fan'..and ii afraiid of bees..see them ii would wan to go away..then keep on catchiing and catchiing..then suddendly iit fly down..wah..berrii der scarry leh..then ii keep on shoutiing..''arh..go away..go away..''haha..'hen diiu liian' hoh..haha..then ii go outsiide call mahh daddy fer help..he ask mii go take plastiic bag then he stand on mahh bed then caught der bee ler..yeah..haii..''song ler yii kou qii''haha..mahh brother oso dun care abt mii der..haha..he watchiing iiniidiial d..hmm..afternoon go school and meet peiiyiing go and take der d3 games der thiings..then sae esther and weii jiie..then go senja grand eat eat lor..then saw chap cheng they all..then weii jiie siit wiit them lor..then left mii peiiyiing and esther..then suddenly raiin then peiiyiing berrii angry when der raiin keep on comiin iin..haha..then we shiift our place then siit iinsiide lor..after eat liiao we go esther house then too bad her san meii not at home..haii..so sad..haha..then after that esther ask mii wan go watch moviie mars..then okiie lor go clemetii watch..seben dollars onlii leh..der serviice not so good lor..but at least cheaper..haha..der show so touchiing..mahh tears fell..haha..
10:00 PM
kelly lost yesterdae..
Friday, September 02, 2005
haii..der wiinner at der last iish stiill weii liian..why..why..ii cant understand..kelly performed well last niite but why she iish not der wiinner..and when der both grps shout der cheer..kelly's supporters cheers are mpre acurate that means her fans are more but why iish she still not der wiinner..no choiice lar..maybe becos of all these thats why hiis fans are even more stonger..keep on calliing lor..wonderiing iif jun yang wiill come out cd nt leh..yesterdae wah..der guardian angel and der duet wiit xiin huey wu diind..so niice leh..then kelly and jj liin siing der mu na yii and beii feng chuii guo der xiia tiian..iish marverlous leh..so so niice..iif jun yang come out cd surely alot of ppl go and buy der..but ii thiink mus waiit lor..he wiill surely come out cd but nt so fast onlii lor..anyway at least kelly stiill can sign under uniiversal musiic stiill nt bad lar..better than nothiing lor..correct hoh..hahas..
2:05 PM