Wednesday, March 22, 2006
haiiiiiiii..........todae taiiniin that tiime.....doiin der jump thn.....oh mahh paiin lor....ii fractured mahh leg....ankle part there...wah seh.......cannot ''tahan'' der paiin....thn ii siit down at der vb court there rest gan went tu take der dunno wad spray tu spray on mahh ankle tu let iit feel better lor...thn after that....goiin tu raiin liiao...must faster go down cos later raiin ii cant run thn ii wiill be all wet..thn yuen meii helped mee down lor.......THANKS....thn after that mr gan sae he sent mee home......cos ii cant even walk........der paiin was really that paiin lor...thn saw elena they all..actually they accompany mee hm der thn mr gan sae he sent mee home......thn he oso sae ask one more person whu liives near mee tu oso siit iin hiis car..thats SEE YI lor...hahas....but thn she berrii ''paiiseh'' thn she stoped at der same place as mee lor...thn ZI WEI and SEE YI helped mee tu mr gan car...THANKS..........THANKS so much fer those whu asked abt mahh injuriies...iim okiie...ii am just not able tu go tu school these few daes cos cant walk and no shoe tu wear....but ii wiill recover soon...but sad thiing iish,,ii maybe cannot go fer traiiniin and PE fer certaiin mahh leg iish nt yet recovered....niid tu go hospiital next week agaiin.......
10:58 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
hmm...thanks tu all mahh frens who gave mee biirthdae presents....mee was so shocked..hahas...that dae morniin..duriing assembly...see yii past mee der present..and so biig siia..hahas..thn that tiime ms siti oso knew ii biirthdae..THANKS TU SEE YI,,MABEL,,YI QI,,JOANNE.........thanks so much........hehex....and thanks tu CANDY JIIE JIIE AND SANIPHER JIE........thanks......ii dont miind receiiviin late.........thanks fer nt forgettin mahh biirthdae.........THANKS TU MAHH DADDY,,MARMIIE,,XIAO JIE........fer der early biithdae presents..THANKS...........ii had a berrii niice and unforgetable 15th BIRTHDAE!!!!!!!!!!!!thn todae nebber go tu school cos ii niid tu go do NIRC lor.........hahas.......
11:34 AM