Sunday, May 21, 2006
hmm...long tiime nebber post liiao..hmm..long long time ago..iim bck from camp..iit was berrii berrii der fun..enjoy der caviing and whiite water raftiing..hmm..tomoro leh..goiin to work liiao..hope can earn more money lor..hahas..hmm..and iits gona holiidae soon......just a few more days..hahas..wednesdae no school...iish REST good hoh..hahas..okiie..stop here..wiill post another tiime......HAPpy holiDAYS...
6:24 PM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
hey..hey..long tiime no blogg haviin math lesson..nw iinsiide der computer lab..teacher so good..let us surf der net...hmm..exams fiiniish liiao..not so happy wiith mahh results..hmm..ii pass math and geog but thn overall iish faiil..cos iit iish not enough tu over..cos ii faiil alot of test iin der first few tests..haben get social studies and biiology der results yet...thn sunday goiin tu go tu malaysiia niite thn come bck..goiin go there and buy bubble gums...goiin tu post maybe after camp..hehex..cos no free..gona go and look for jobs..
11:54 AM