Sunday, June 18, 2006
hmm...long tiime no post ler..sorry..cos everydae busy workiin..earn sad ii thought 15th get pay iin der and 24th then get pay..haii..24th get pay oso no use liiao cos no tiime go and buy thiings..then der siingapore sales and liiao thn no sad...thn workiin smtiimes..supper angry lor..some customers SUCKS man..dunno noe how tu order fiirst sae thiis then later change that....thn sae FOOD long..oso not mahh problem..but thn nebber miind la...iim use to iit liiao..smtiimes work 8 hrs..8 hrs oso sae der same thiing..liike..thiis iis a miixture of beef and chiicken..iis iit ok..ii sae untiil ii oso siian lor..hahas...hope ii can faster work kiitchen thn no need tu face thiis type of customers......
10:02 PM