Sunday, April 29, 2007
hmm..hahas..ii verii long tiime no update ler..hahas..ii busy lah..hmm..everythiing was fiine la..thn exams on der way ler..workiin hard..hahas..hope this time round can really get good results lor..2 more daes to 010507 ler..hahas..yea!!LABOUR DAE..but thats oso mee and dear dae..but he workiin..but nvm la..he gave mee present niice..hahas..he self made der pop up pictoriial of der both of us!!ii love hiim..thn mee oh..dunno wad to giive leh..maybe HAPPINESS bah..thats wad he want ii thiink..hahas..hope can last till der endx..
7:58 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
hmm!!ii long long tiime no update ler..hmm..nw iin sch lol..siianx..suppose to go support der chinese dance SYF but der stupid idoit dont let us go..verii wad lor!!we only nv go remedial onli wad..uu oso nv go thn y must we go..go oso no use onlii draw those few things..always draw and draw..uu think ppl robot arg!!anyway!!!all der teachers pity us lor..haii..wad a sad dae..wiith only nt more than ten gals in der class..hmm..thn tml need to go for art lesson maybe till 6pm..haii..sad leh..sorriie oh cant accompany uu ler..haii..she wan make us stay bck everydae leh till 6pm..dont feel liike goiin lor..haiis...almost feel like nt goiin sch..hmms..just hope comin things would be fiine bahx..takecares!!see you!!!
1:45 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
ii long tiime no post ler..alot of things happen oh..hahas..hmm..der other tiime ii had fever for ard 5 daes thn was tough..hahas..hmm..010407 just over..that was mahh dae..hahas..every 1st dae of der mth iis mahh dae..anyway ii just change mahh sliides...enjoy der piics!!and ii hav changed mahh URL to OH!!
7:08 PM