Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Today i went to e dental finally..iim so afraid... Doctor told me i got 4 wisdom tooth and i was like WHAT..But actually i did suspect..Because i got a kind of feeling that its wisdom tooth..But i just dont wan it to happen..When doctor said that ii'm already holding my tears as i know wisdom tooth needs to be remove Either Extraction Or Operation.. The gum that was swollen that make me so painful is e WORST..Doctor say needs to x-ray and see if e tooth is slanted or growing straight..If its straight thn no worries..But if its slant thn OH MY GOD!! So i did e x-ray and e nurse was like ''its slant''....I was like HUHHHH.....How come like this??? Doctor said that it needs to be remove by OPERATION..Then e doctor told me e process including e stitching part...I almost cried out..From young iim so afraid of like operation and stuff...Thn the top of my teeth needs to be remove too by extraction..The another two right side just wait as its growing straight wait till it swell or i feel pain thn remove..The price for e operation is 500-600..Extraction 100 bucks..SUDDEN BOMB..But i will use my mediasave to pay..Operation is goin to be on this friday but due to e timing its not suitable to do operation..My mum told me that time cannot..12.30 noon..So maybe will change to monday 10.30 Am..But if e pain is unbearable i might have to do it tml..iim not prepared iim so scared..Thinking about it is scarry enough..Although e whole process for ard 1 hr iim NUMB but iim still.....I still know wad they are doin just that my mouth is being NUMB..Thanks mei and gal they said they will accompany me but iif iim doiin tml maybe will be myself..
I just hope everything will be ok although its just a minor operation.. I hope e pain will go away.. I hope during e process i wont cry..Because there's stitching... I hope e person i want to be by my side giving me support.. But i know its hard he dont know wad iim thinking..Its nt EX BF I hope everything will end soon.. I will update soon to let you know my condition...
12:17 AM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
 My hair looks like its SHORT..hahas..I clipped it at e back actually// I have change my blog song to OPEN ARMS..Because its nice..Today i was feeling bad because my teeth at my e very bad end was swollen..{e gum at e end} i dont have mood to eat..i just feel hopeless..and so after dinner i decide to take panadol and it is nt so painful now..after a while e pain comes back again..and so i took another panadol..if its still not ok tml ii am goiin to dental for injection..{oh no man}iim scared ok... Today went to tampinies to buy a puzzle to make and iive completed i felt so contented..hahas..  300 pieces of STITCH.. I'm going to buy somemore of it..i also did e 3D one but its small so no point of putting e picture..
8:45 PM
Saturday, March 28, 2009
5:30 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
todae went to greenridge despite knowing that iim not feeling well..luckily we did crap!!hmm..aft mum work we went lot 1 meet up with bro..and you know wad..bro fractured his leg!!OMG..its so painful i can feel that becos his leg is so swollen so big..like pig leg..aft our dinner at new york new york we brought bro at farja to e chinese doctor..becos last time i oso fractured my left leg and i went NUH..have to sit wheel chair some more..as i could not walk so i can feel e pain in it.. and now iim having gastric..ii hate it so much..its so painful..and my flu my nose is blocked for e whole day..but gastric is more painful..whenever iim having gastric i will have a swollen stomach..so these few days cannot go out le got to takecare of bro..
10:59 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
todae was my last dae of work at e expo..i was down with a very bad flu and some sorethroat this morning..i dont feel like goiin to work but no choice todae have to go..morning ate flu medicine and it seems to be better..just hope that i wont down with a fever tml..todae after a dae work as usual very very tired as iim standing folding e colthes from morning 10 to night 10..tml iim goiin down to greenridge iif iim ok..and todae daddy came to fetch me at work..hmm..hehex..i sat on bike..hahas..at first i felt a bit of scarry but thn after awhile its ok..actually its nt my 1st time sitting bike la but anyway its a bit of scarry when its turning..anyway now iim fine..hahas..next time can sit on bike le..i wish can sit kor bike..hahas..when we go chiong but thn drink liquor cannot drive so too bad... yesterdae i work too and e dae be4 went to dye hair with bro cos he wanted so i accompanied him..i dyed a very very dark purple more to black i think..hahas..anyway not bad la..i look better i think i this colour.. anyway its a tired dae or week i can sae..iim gona rest soon!!upload my pictures soon.. STAY TUNED!!
11:01 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
todae nonsense wit him again..hahas..hmm i dunno how to express e dialouge between us..todae had a bad flu maybe due to work as expo there is quite cold just hope i wont down with a fever can le..when iim sick very jialat de..hahas..hmm..yea aunty wendy had a very bad sunburn..i passed her a lotion that i used be4..hope she will be better..and i miss alfie wanted to see him badly..anyway tml goiin down to greenridge again..metting aunty wendy and company to get more news abt somthing..hehex..thn work on wed and thu again..gona blogg soon!!
6:46 PM
i miss my nephew ALFIE..hahas..he damn cute..iim goiin post his photo..  8th month old  now e him..hahas.. must be curious right..hahas..he is mixed mother which is my cousin is a chinese his dad is a malay..alfie look so angmoh but he is cute..ii think next time when he grow up many gals will go chasing him..hahas..ok enough of alfie..talk about todae's work.. work gave me a big stress and headache becos of e customers and e mess of pile of clothes..its like ''laelong''...ppl out there are so ''kiasu''..I HATE IT..never think of how we fold e clothes like hell and they just TOSS and TOSS like nobody business..i dont think iim goiin to work for expo sales anymore..its just too HORRIBLE... anyway enough of those unhappiness.. mei asked me out to sentosa tml but i rejected her.. SORRY GALStml i got to go down to greenridge..next time thn we go together babhx.. anyway you gals are always by my side whenever iim unhappy..thanksx..
12:00 AM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
hey...ytd went to expo and work..and just one word SCARRY..e ppl are damn terrible..last time went there was worst enough and now is even more worst..so long no fold clothes le next day wake up sholder damn pain and numb..todae is on off tml work again...hmm later goiin out wit mum and bro...but hn now raining dunno will go out not..actually todae wan go down greenridge but thn cant wake up damn tired so stay at home..even if i go down oso cant chat with him cos today i think he quite busy de...anyway we nt goiin to e model agency le cos he say that company cheat ppl de..and he change his off even if he ask me out iim workin oso..anyway its ok la.. whenever i see,notice or know that you 2 relationship are getting better and better the more i feel sad and angry and some how turn to a little of hate i really don wana hate e person i love so much and cherish before e person whom i love so much is now nt beside me whenever i pass by e places we went together becomes e place which i dont really wan to pass by how i wish i dont know or see e 2 of you its just hurt all left behind maybe iim goiin to take down one last last precious thing that you gave me no matter how long iim left behind nothing can be change already its truth that you 2 are together happily ever after
when you truely love somebody its not that you need to be together giving e person that you love to whom he love thats call love
so even maybe now i like 'him' i will not ask for much to make us together if he's mine he cant run away its just a matter of time
3:41 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
i dont knw if i shld be happy or not happy..ytd he sae next tue off wan ask me to acc him to e model agency at dohby ghaut..but i dont knw if he is joking anot..and he really remember wad i do and take note in wad i do..when i told him i workin le thn he sae i thought you doiin music..and i was like errr..its my hobby la and i really love piano and wanted to continue learning..but thn also...aiya!!very 'fan nao' lei.. currently in love with BACARDI BREEZER..hahas..just went shopping myself..used to living alone doiin things alone anyway..i dont wish for too much anyway..sometimes i feel that if i together with him how will it be like..but sometimes i feel maybe i shld nt think too much anyway..iim just too over concern in wad ppl do and think..ii believe ppl easily but now ii keep things myself to protect myself...but thn i always look happy in front and i maybe crying inside.. the love mark left behind is so deep and its just so hard to remove it away!! sometimes how i wish iim just alone forever so i will not get so hurt..making ppl who care for me worry..i just wish for a little happiness... 能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了 我痛得快死了 却无法把爱割舍
3:40 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
hahas..todae had a great time because he talked to me..saying alot of nonsense..he told my mum he wait for me then he bring me bck msia..hahas..thn i sayed why talk in front of mum telling all..thn he keep on laughing..i knw la all is just have e fun of saying.. i told aunty wendy and aunty may about all my unhappiness..damn sad and stress de lor..only he can me me smile but i thinnk he dunno..anyway nvm la..and you knw wad model agency asked him to be their model lei..so good lor..born to be handsome is so great thn he asked me if this company is real or cheating ppl de i sae i interview for make up artist be4..he sae if he confirm go thn call me accompany him go..and my ans is no problem of course..hahas..i will be great to help him i can be his full time artist!! its time for me to put e past happiness and unhappiness away!!i must not be soft hearted..so dont be angry for wad i have done because its you made me to do that
10:58 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
this morning cant wake up from my bed because yesterdae night my "SISTER" visited me!! HAHAS!! todae stayed at home wait for mum to come bck thn goiin to tampines mall thn to mum fren hse to visit her son thn will go bck wit bro..at night watch tv lor..haiis..sian dunno tonight can fall sleep not cos todae sleep too much le..but iim in great paiin lor..wa lao..why must suffer this kind of paiin..anyway wan be girl is like that de la..tml and tue will be goiin down to greenridge to help mum so will nt be bloggin..
2:46 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
hmm todae no go out stayed at home wit bro..hahas..hmm tomoro dunno wan go find mum nt lei..haiis..but tml i have to go down to tampinies to pass some documents to kim aunt..my cd all those oso finish watching le..if tml stay at home sure sian de lor..pass by my fren blog and found out something shocking..anyway iim not goiin to say much and comment about ppl..just JIA YOU..this is all i can say..its not easy to make decisions sometimes..arhx..have to waiit till 19th thn work..i rested too long le..but thn if i start to work i rarely can see hiim le..oso dunno he will go bck july nt..dont care la..ARHHHHH!!!
10:31 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
todae suppose to go jurong point to help aunty wendy buy things from body shop but i lazy wan to stay at home..everyday go out oso veri sian..and if i everyday go down like funny although i help mum la but thn..aiya..anw tml oso will go down 1 dae don go oso wont die..hahas..if like that he miss me thn good lor..hahas..anw me and him only got 50 50 chance so we oso dont care so much for one another..sometimes happy thn talk not happy thn we dont give a damn..sometimes very bored but watch drama play psp read storybooks lor...one dae past day by day...currently watching korean drama BEETHOVEN VIRUS...hahas..all about music orchestra..i love it..feel like taking pop piano classes again..i really enjoy playing piano..but now no money and need buy piano oso..but piano 550 plus plus have le..digital de..grand piano i no money..hahas...wan go and take car lisence i oso dunno where and how..haiis...goiin online to search for details...
10:38 AM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
todae morning went to ang mo kio to buy nice nice potato for aunty wendy son and many many ppl..i bought 10 pcs so its quite alot..hahas..anyway it is very nice..thn went greenridge and slack wit them..they talk alot of dirty dirty e jokes..omg man..hahas..thn packet food home and me bro and mum went buangkok to cut hair..hahas..my hair so long 1 yr no cut le so go trim..frinch oso very long..but e aunty cut till like funny cos too straight le..i look abit BLUR BLUR... HAHAS...tml cannot go out cos bro bed is arriving tml..hahas..
7:50 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
hmm..you noe wad he called me ytd and i was damn super e angry when he sae we are best friend..wad e fuck man...where got such thing..last time when we together u sae if break up oso don be best friend..ii was so angry and thn i called mei..haii..she always listen to my nonsense..hahas..anyway thanks to her too.. THANKS MEI MEI todae he didnt work..so didnt get to see him..anyway oso good la..and thn aunty wendy told me many many gals go and chase him confess to him..hahas..i was shocked..she told me he go and scold e gals until cry lei..OMG..lucky i didnt do so much..hahas..aunty may sae ytd he went to peep at me at mummy shop..hahas..ii ask her real anot..she sae real e whole shop only i one person there..look and look..hahas..so funny..anyway he oso quite funny sometimes happy mood sometimes bad mood lucky when he bad mood i oso don hack care him..thn when he good mood he will make fun of me talk to me..hahas..anyway..just let it be..
6:39 PM
Sunday, March 08, 2009
wad a boring and fan nao der daes.. he really dont care me anymore..iim so sad...he remove all our pictures le...isit he pruposely wan provoke me...i not goiin to call or talk to him anymore..its more thn enough..past goiin 5 months le and this is wad i get...wad e **** i noe now maybe you happily ever after..dont tell me wad you see i happy but actually veri stress that kind of things lor..dont need to purposely give in to me..sometimes iim helpless or clueless but thn....so veri e stressed..stressed till bored..... hmm goiin help kim aunt at expo for esprit sales for 5 daes..anyway now not workin so help her lor can earn money also.....hmmmm..so long no meet mei gal they all le so miss them...wad am ii goiin to do leii????singapore so bored de lor...if other country i think nt so bored bahx..hehex...
7:20 PM
Friday, March 06, 2009
todae i went tangs to purchase m.a.c hello kiity make up..hahas..todae is 1st dae launch but most items all sold out le..but still manage to get wad i wanted..hahas..i bought pink nail polish,blusher,lip stick,eye pallete..hahas..e brush set veri kawwai but sold out le..anw its ok la..quite bored de..hahas..i heard that he not goiin to work le he is quiting ard july..he goiin back to help his mum..sad lor cos next time really no chance to see him le..anw dunno la..hahas..
6:05 PM
Sunday, March 01, 2009
today is 03/03/09 suppose to be........... anyway its over le.. 26/02-eve of bdae lets talk abt my 18th bdae..hahas..early mornin i already had a big supprise..hahas..really got shocked..they actually put e present outside my door and went away aft that when i walk into my hse thn they came out..thanks sisters..thanks for everything..although it rain but thn we really do had fun... 27/02-actual dae went clubbin wit martin kor kor ah hin and joyce..actually its nt a good dae to go that dae cos its fri and fri its techno..hahas..anyway kor kor just keep on shakin and shakin..not tired at all..i got free admission cos kor bring me in don need money..hahas..that dae suppose to be 8 ppl de but 4 ppl aeroplane me..hahas..they goiin wiit me another dae..sad lor only 4 ppl..joyce bought me a silver key pendent and a cute cake..thn we drank light super light liquor..its TIGER BEER...HAHAS..and mocca or dunno i think its volka coke..but thn liquor too little coke alot so drink le like no feeling thn kor sae must add some tiger beer in and it taste nicer..hahas..thn he sae bdae must drink finish come clubbin must dance must drink so i drinkand then he bring me to dance floor..hahas..thn he ask me go up shit man lucky no go up..just dance below..he asked me if i wan to noe any guys he help me get one..thn i sae nonono..next time..hahas..really had fun.. actually e person that i wan him to go clubb wit me didnt..anyway its okay..we can go together next time... thanks mei mei,ah gal zhen sugar joanna dearest min and sweetipie jas!!! pictures          HAHAS!!this is my SHUAI SHUAI KOR KOR  my best frien JOYCE  this is my bro XIAO JIE
3:22 PM
This is Christina Tan,I'm currently 19 and I'm single.Working at L'occitane.My hobbies are Singing,Swimming,Clubbing(trying to go less)
Volleyball..Well basically dont ever judge me by looking just at my photos..I had enough of it saying all the sweet stuffs..
Judge me after you've know me well..=P