Wednesday, September 30, 2009
2:05 AM
Monday, September 28, 2009
Haven blog for few days,hmm just 1 2 days anw..Anw work lately was stressed though that i wanna club but i shld nt club too often also i think my body cant take it also..Everytime i drink my stomach next day damn super pain de although can drink but also mus control la..Hahas anw i wonder when is my last day thn my stress will be totally free and i can look for a better new job..Hahas how i wish i dont need to work can money just given to me anw ownsell earn de is different anw..Many things happen recently and i dont wanna say more to it..I wanna club badly but i also gt to wrk e next day maybe go bck early or wad i dont knw still thinking anw..But i knw mei sure go cos her holidays gonna end soon left with 2 weeks she sure confirm go..Hahas..Ok nth much to say upload pics e next post..
10:08 PM
Saturday, September 26, 2009
 Pictures when we r in club.. Anw i knw im wrong,im so stupid..Anw its ok..Everything was nt started anw.. Thinking of reasons to stay out on wed again maybe..I dont know..Sigh..Why i just have to be cinderella..Hahahahas...Anw i just wanna enjoy till mei school holidays end can le lor..Ytd talked to bonnie on e phone for very long i think almost 1hr plus but i still decided to resign i dont wanna stay anymore i just couldn't take it any more..ITs enough le i knw everybody wants me to stay like me and everything but the job is just too stress..I just wanna rest and enjoy..
12:11 AM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today no photos shld have de actually but no la.. Club ytd night with yong wei his fren jeremy eve mei xin hui ang gang..Hahas was like mad so paisei made yongwei and jeremy waited for ladies drink queue for so long almost 2hrs..And when we ordered e drinks all mixed up anyhow anyway i told them gt wad thn drink wad bahx..Anw better thn no drinks at all go club no drink where can dont have e feel lor..So decided to cut queue cut queue le still have to queue for 1hr plus omg damn e pissed off...Drank tequila shot and 1 jug of vodkka orange 2 glass tiger 1 cup river..Shiok man hahas thn went to dance floor to dance and thn saw jerry richard rayson and gang..So many many many de ppl so packed managed to dance also...And thn club extend and thn went out rest awhile thn cab home with mei..Now stomach damn hungry de..
1:55 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
10:30 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
ARGGGHHHXXX...Tired and stress..Finally i'm off tml..I've been waiting for so long..I'm gonna rest so that wed i can club..Tml accompaning mei to her uncle wedding dinner and drink to e top of my heart..Hahahahas..That all!!Sleeping time..
1:09 AM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cough and cough cough..Damn it man..Today never open bill gt 1 member bonnie gave it to me thanks so much poor cindy also nv open bill last min gt 1 gal next door sell clothes de help her to buy 1 cleanser..Mei say if my cough nv recover wed cannot ladies night oh my god im gonna make myself recover asap man i wanna enjoy and go on wed..Mon goiin to serangoon garden to celebrate nicole bdae we are going to drink martel vodkka shot oh my god and bonnie say if i wanna drink myself she order 1 waterfall for me i ownself drink to e core..Hahas no la i dont wanna drink so much also wait my liver dried up easily..Today stomach damn pain der dunno why wad happen damn scared de lor shit la need go check liao or else..Sigh...Dont say liao maybe ate wrong food or wad la i also dunno i dont wanna think about it damn sad de..Hmm finally tendering my resigning letter end of e month thn wrk one more month freedom liao hahas..Decided naybe go study or maybe work at club which i really wish to but i think daddy wont allow..HOW??I really wanna work its so happy over there night life.. Oh my god man Christina Tan Zu Wei...........Hahas..Mei gonna laugh when she see this post... Anw im still a good nice sweet kind gal ok i just wanna make myself happy and enjoy..Anw club does nt means im a bad gal ok my frens..Hope u all understand!
12:31 AM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ladies night at st james power hse and i saw work frens yeah..Saw peixuan grace and 1 more dont knw wads her name..Hahas we are like crazy damn fun der..Drank tequila shot and 1 jug vodkka coke and thn dance floor dancing damn high lor hahas and grace drunk lor she 1 person on 5 guys oh my god she damn power siahx...The atmosphere music dj everything make us feel so happy stress and unhappiness all gone liao..Go there dancing exercise also hahas..But i nt drunk la of course just feeling hot and high..Thn i went home ard 1am and reached home 1.20 am and sleep..Had a damn bad cough kept on coughing and coughing... Jerry,Richard,Rayson,Alvin,Ben and blahxxx many many frens Xinhui,grace,peixuan,esther and blahxx some dunno wads name also... Anw club is fun but girls out there be careful hahas there is not a right place to find your MR.Right..Just to have fun know more frens and relax and dance of course..There also alot angmoh hahas...
11:12 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nowadays in love with english r&b song its nice..Last time dont listen to english song no i must listen to improve my english..Hahas..Ydt was on medical leave thn stayed at mei hse for e whole afternoon slacking long time no go her hse le her hse gt additional nice curtain hahas..And saw her smallest sister damn cute de everytime see me ask me for sweet all else dont talk to me..Hahas kids are so clever..Today went to work shit de lor shld take mc cos today i was sick for e whole day stress man..Counter sales all depend on me and i quite late thn open bill lucky got members lor all else die liao le la..Actually today suppose to make $1000 but im sick going to faint liao i push myself to wake myself up slowly frm 400 plus shoot up to 700 plus..Hahas thanks god man..All else i really dunno how to settle..Bonnie sure scold me crystal also..Calls ring and ring phone ring i stress lor..But i stress i wont smoke la bonnie stress she smoke hahas..I stress i go dance drink beer ok ok liao..Smoke my body cannot la sure breakdown de my body so weak..Tml working morning shift if im fainting sick they will send me home dont wan mc liao la need to do sales all else next month pay little..Nicole monday bdae party we gonna make her happy happy..Hahas.. I gonna change my blog song soon..Enjoy e new song new me..Hahas..
11:25 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I can say im getting bad and bad hahas.. I just love clubbing.. I love liquior.. I love dancing.. I wanna go club every week!!! Hahas..Leg cramp numb hope can faster recover as i gt problems bending and sitting down very pain..Mei scold me hahas anw i knw la as i kana cheated so ok i knw it i will be clever next time..Im too kind le la no matter to frens la customers or work frens..Sigh..Work quite stress de these few days i wanna resign la but thn aiya dunno la i wanna change job la...I just knw when i club when i drink im happy my sad memories i all forgot le hahas..Shit man..Bad habbit drink and drink now i drink liquior like drink water liao...
12:01 AM
Monday, September 07, 2009
 When i was working at msq saw yongwei hahas and so we went to drink at clark quey with sherry jie and one of her friend tracy till 5 plus..Drank martel and i went sherry jie hse to stay thn went to work e next day morning damn tired de and i didnt sleep at all cant get to bed and thn i was feeling very very bad e next morning whole body ache wan to vomit stomach empty head damn super pain der..I drink too much le hahas..Wan i did to yongwei and sherry jie i dont remember much i think i go and grab their arms hahas cos i need someone to lean on..OH MY GOd man hahas..Anw martel is nice i love it..Hahas but i dare not drink too much cos the feeling next day damn bad de especially e day when need to work even more worse..
11:49 PM
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Days are all accompanied by esther mei mei,vince,guohui and bro..Past few days i think i drank too much they all said im already mad get myself drunk for a stupid reason and ppl..I drank too much and hurt my body at e same time anw now health is ok ler at least my gastric stops all else i think i also dunno..Work also damn stress de maybe soon la going to resign i hope so..I took many photos when im drunk im gonna post but i think some of the pictures look nice hahas..Drunk but still can take picture without looking blur,professional me..  hahas face kana cut off!  i wanna upload some more photo but then got problems editing photo too big le can go facebook or friendster see..All mad photos.. 傻瓜也许单纯,爱得没那么做作 相信这个他不一样,却又再一次受伤 相信付出会有代价,代价只是一句.....
12:39 AM
This is Christina Tan,I'm currently 19 and I'm single.Working at L'occitane.My hobbies are Singing,Swimming,Clubbing(trying to go less)
Volleyball..Well basically dont ever judge me by looking just at my photos..I had enough of it saying all the sweet stuffs..
Judge me after you've know me well..=P