Friday, October 30, 2009
2:28 AM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ytd mei and i i didnt went club although we miss club..Mei stayed at my hse ytd and chat her own i chat my own..Today meeting up yongwei,mei and ah jie to chervon partying time..And i've got only few more days to start work le felt so sian and bored but if i dont start working i wont have money and i really dont wanna kept on asking mummy for money...And i just went to buy bedsheet at causeway and its plain peach pink and bought a lacy victoria bed top and it just looks nice but no pictures to show..Hahas..I will just upload up till here..Tonight we gonna have a happy time..
4:49 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Having staying at home slacking chatting on msn and watching tv..And dont know why my face start to have some rash and mei asked me to change my bed sheet and i got a sudden that i wanna change my bed sheet to victoria style which i wanted to change it long ago..And i need to replenish my skin care got to finish soon and maybe due to some changes in my cream and thats why i got the rash and i got to do some mask also..Hahas..And need to trim my hair also but i wanna keep it long again haha change style..Im still thinking if i shld buy iphone sigh so many things to buy..Hahas and my work the items like clothes to wear for training and shoes also..I wanna study interior design thats my dream last time i didnt work hard last time now i wanna study i also dont knw have chance anot..This course if must have o level thn i dont need study liao..If i wanna meet and know ppl who have good background i also must have a good background all else my choices is just left with all those..Hahas its real my fren told me de she say if you wan marry and live good u must be good also and the character and attitude...Not clubbing tml but we are goin on sat instead for the last time till mei the holidays..
3:35 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
2:58 PM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Congratulations to me that to my suprise 1st in my life time go for 1st interview on the spot i got the job..Hahas that shows im really talented..Anw work location i still not sure yet and im starting work on the 3rd nov..Yahoo..And ive got alot of learn and study too..Ytd went out with mei to henderson waves but be4 that we went in to DRANGONFLY...Hahas not too bad but like alot of uncles lor but there also got some handsome guys...Back home ard 4 plus am..Today woke up ard 11 plus thn breakfast cum lunch at mei grandma hse and she went for her school event and i went home as i got to sign my appointment letter at 3pm..Went to kinokuniya to buy some note books and stuff and some food back home waiting for mum to be bck home for dinner..Yw jio me to jb on sunday with his frens go enjoy celebrate too bad mei working cant follow us..Hahas..
5:22 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The time now is 11.40pm..I shld be inside St.James Powerhouse drinking my favourite vodkka coke with tequila shot rocking at the dance floor...But now im at home lying on my bed pressing my laptop listening r&b songs...How i wish i was there my whole mind was all thinking all about club...Shit...How i spent my day today?Slept till ard 12 plus and then cabbed down to greenridge to look for my mum and thn cabbed back home with my mum as we bought alot of groceries and bro is waiting for us at home and then after mum and bro bathed we went down over to buangkok somemore near our house as bro wanted to cut his hair and had our dinner there..I dont have much mood la as i can say..Back home i rented alot of movies and korean drama and just finished watching 3 movies..The rest i shall watch tomorrow..Ytd went to fill up an application form and the company called me up today i was happy hahas and im going for the interview tml hope its a success as looking for a job that i wanted is not an easy task and hope i can start work by 1st of nov bahx...Veron jie's 21st bdae reaching le this coming sat at pasir ris but there is no one to accompany me to thn i will be bored and lonely as i dont know all her frens and my mum maybe not going and i dont know if sherry jie is going not and yong wei is busy maybe also...What shld i do lei as i must go!!!ARGGGxxx...
11:39 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
 金童玉女  Xiaojie,me,mei,ggh Mei,vince,ggh,xiaojie 3 guys.. Picture of us,our new name VECHX V-vince E-esther C-christina H-helmsley X-xiaojie Cool right??Hahas..Anyway its my idea im clever..Today whole morning stayed at home till 4 then took mrt to vivo to meet up mei vince and ggh and to my surprise my bro came to join us..Hahas..And i went to LOCCITANE to fill job application form and ydt night sent resume in to FANCL..Hope can get their replies asap hope to get a job by nov money gonna spent finish le and i still got alot of things to splurge on..My skincare la finishing soon le..Sigh..Sat maybe going in to st.james but thn right no alcohol to drink lor sian lei no alcohol no cake de...
11:10 PM
Finally today is my last day of work..First of all not as happy as i thought i will be...I just know that i leave e company at the right time..Everything is just in a big mess and i dont wanna be with them..I really love my work frens bonnie xiaodan and cindy..We are like one family..But now im leaving e family..But i really have to leave as i cannot take e stress that the company is giving..Anw now everything is over le finally im released everybody is also released at the same time..All e best to them bahx and i got to look for new job soon..Ytd was sick for the whole day same sick again flu...After work me bonnie and xiaodan went to eat bbq chickens and satay at funny place hahas at hdb blk downstairs and our food all ants hahahaha..Luckily ate almost finishing le the rest ants eat..Tml meeting mei vince and ggh for dinner at vivo..Hope e two guys accompany us..Hahas.. 很开心和你们一起工作,可是现在不能和你们一起奋斗了 希望你们天天开心的工作
1:46 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Many things happen recently and i realised so you are this kind of cheater..Anw ive decided.. Ytd went to ZIRCA club with face shop frens and nicole..Hmm i feel stjames is better but nvm la can see different club..ALways go same one also will sian de..Ytd drunk i think quite bad de cos i only person kept my bag inside locker when i go home i also dont know who help me to take my bag out from e locker as i dont remember myself going to e locker..HAhas..I so scared when i reached home kana scolded by my dad saying why i so drunk..I tried to act normal and off to bed straight..Luckily my dad nv say anything...Im just feeling very bad now..Damn xin ku de..Feeling damn giddy feel like wan to vomit keep on going to e toliet diarrhoea...Damn shit de me..Last time always go ladies night drink much much more next day wont like this de..I damn bad mood maybe thats why bahx..ARGGGG...Head spinning..Tml still gt to work..Left with few days le thn last day le so happy..
3:07 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Im just so confused and i feel that im inside a maze stuck inside cant save myself out..What shld i do?Im a big girl le i must settle my things relationship myself no one can help me..I really dont knw what i was thinking at that point of time..Why did i go and start that relationship?Now i wanna end i also dont know how to end..
10:56 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Im really hopeless speechless... Im so sorry to those ppl who treat me e best especially my parents and my mei.. Thank god for helping me once again.. What shld i say lei...Wed ladies night at st.james that night i was not enjoying at all i suppose as im nt drunk at all and im very thirsty and i ask e other gals over there for a sip..So kind of them and after going to toliet with mei saw richard and jerry and they asked as too drink..Just nice mei and i damn thirsty de so we drink..Hahas we thirsty till go toliet drink tap water but i can see alot of ppl drinking tap water...Aft club end bck to mei pangjang hse to sleep and sleep for few hrs gt to wake up le as we meeting ggh,vince,nicky to bugis and so off we go to TOPONE karoke and aft that we went to 'everyday steamboat' for food time..Aft food i suggested that i accompany them bck to pangjang and aft they bath le we cab back to my sengkang hse..And they agreed..YIPPY..Mei knw im happy thanks so much and aft awhile everyone of us was alsleep as we are too tired le..
1:02 AM
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
ARGHXX!!Damn angry damn fed up damn fuck up about work... How i wish i dont have to come to work any more..Stupid customers stupid cheapo ppl..I really cant take it anymore le im just very very very STRESS...Dont know how to say my head is like going to burst...Im so stressed up that i throw temper on my own body,splurge alcohol and food all inside my stomach...I just thinking when its gonna be my last day..AHH GOD please save me from this un irrisistable job man those who join this company is e start of e life u r living in HELL...Left with one more day and its going to be my happiest day that is WEDNESDAY,LADIES NIGHT...Hahas at least over there really can shake the stress away...Tml night shift again they gonna depend on me again wad e shit man i really damn e stress lor...AHXXXX!!! How i wish you are there for me when i need you!
12:49 AM
Saturday, October 03, 2009
  Drunkard CHRISTINA TAN... Hahas pics when we are at st james but with mei and min e photos nt with me so i just post my own picture..Anw abit mad la hahas i always like to take photo when im HIGH..As picture turn out to be quite nice anw but knw me e frens can see that im drunk anw nt totally drunk just feeling high and blur..Hmmmm...ARghxxx im just confused over some things what the hell man is happening to me..I dont care la..SIGH!!Dont ask me what happen!!Dont wish to say..My hair needs to be trim soon...Im thinking what bonnie and company are goin to give me for my farewell hope they give me surprises...When will it be my last day of work??Days are reaching fast.. Anw mei dont be sad over your results ok,,unhappy also dont always fill ur stomach with alcohol..I also dont know what i can cheer u up,,i can only buy e things that u wan for u and bring u go and eat delicious food to make u happy...Anw dont think too much holidays left abt 1 2 weeks only u must enjoy it all!!OK??
9:08 PM
Thursday, October 01, 2009
NEW SKIN,hahas finally... Ytd went to st james saw e same group of frens every week hahas fate..Anw something made me damn angry and 'du lan' dont wanna bring up anw forget it..Suppose to go off at 130 e latest end up i went off at 3am..Kanna fuck today bill come wa lao..Im like speechless and hopeless how i spent my money siahx....Argh im nt gonna spent anymore this month i think food ownself bring ownself cook save money no choice liao and some more job also given resign letter le so if this month i over spent again next month i think i die faster...Looking out for new jobs at e same time and now even planning for farewell party hahas finally leaving at place full of stress i waited for so so so e long and now my stressfree days are reaching each and every one day im so happy... thanks when u r always there to hear my sorrows always there to be my listening earthanks for answering all my callsi really appreciate it...
11:43 PM
This is Christina Tan,I'm currently 19 and I'm single.Working at L'occitane.My hobbies are Singing,Swimming,Clubbing(trying to go less)
Volleyball..Well basically dont ever judge me by looking just at my photos..I had enough of it saying all the sweet stuffs..
Judge me after you've know me well..=P