Thursday, December 31, 2009

Yupps we went to watch Avartar 3D movie and u know wad??Hahas i fall asleep halfway the movie ggh also fall asleep the 3d specs will just make your eyes super super heavy and tired and wanna slp and since that part is a little boring and so i decided to take a nap..Hehex as i was a little exhausted already..Hmm this yr xmas was a little boring but lucky spent the day with esther mei and her kor and company and all her little cousins and enjoying entertaining those kids haha...And its like xmas already 12am already and we are like no feeling at all and its like we forgot abt the countdown and things haha..2009 is gonna end soon and this is how i spend my 18 going wild haha..And shall settle down soon for 2010 will i meet a better person??Will i have a bf in 2010??Will i ever get myself into any trouble??My work??Woah many many things will fill up my life soon and everything starts anew...
12:04 AM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I;ve just got news that i will going over to centerpoint to work sigh!!And heard that e sales there is not very good..Going to slack liao everyday..Lucky this xmas earn alot at least still can survive la hope i wont be at centerpoint forever then..And i cannot club whenever i want le as still need to travel and cp only me and valerie working just e 2 of us not she morning thn i morning...We going to depend on one another already and i will miss vivo collegues..Why i cant stay there...Anw there is reshufflement and im being posted to cp i rather ion or other outlets...Finally got an off tml already can rest and pay is coming up also...Xmas ended peacefully and so how abt 2010 countdown haha..Is it going to be another boring want??Lets see!!
11:47 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hmm its been quite awhile since i last blog no mood to update also..Was busy over work and entertaining as well....Hahas esther mei will know wad im entertaining to..Hmm managed to go back early everytime when i club and managed to be home sober and not make them worry again..And my health is getting better also...And xmas is coming and i think its going to be boring...Sigh!!But esther mei will make me high hahahahaha...I've got updates on somebody and i think i shld get over it soon shall now dwell on it anymore no point but i seems to be lost in e maze..Can anybody guide me out the maze!!
12:37 AM
Monday, December 14, 2009
11:09 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
I was terribly sick this week and its like flu and cough and still e same off to work and tml is yvonne's bdae got to attend as she insisted me to go so ok i promised her and mummy joreen also so shall enjoy and take alot of photos tml and hopefully no alcohol as im going to k.o soon hahas..Work is fine for me also just that my voice ah getting sexier each day and i cant breathe properly also was eating medicine and drinking those cooling water everyday so that i can be better..And i just found out smth important but thinking twice actually its nt important le..And its also time to let go since it already past for a year and i shld move on..And i thanks those who supported me especially esther mei who talks to me accompanied me thru all they way both of us are like crazy ever since we started to club and drink almost every weekly and my daddy and mummy for accepting me that i come home late every night and making them worried all the time..And i know im getting rebellious but im also trying to be back myself at e same time enjoying out there..I knew alot of frens who gave me alot of advises and making me smile even more..I know sometimes im jealous when i know they are happy but that isnt wad i wanted out of them...His bdae is reaching just in one or two days time and i just realise it..It shows that im bothered over other things already..He is once a person i loved e most and treasure e most but he is not mine anymore and one day i might find even a better one..I only know i wanted to celebrate xmas with some people and i have forgotten abt their bdaes..Even if i knew it i cant do anything also..Anyway for the whole of the year being single and having loads of fun out there and also some sorrows just brightens up me and it dont seems to be as sad as i thought before i thought i would sucide without him but no i did survived and enjoying myself at ST JAMES..
What i want for christmas is easy that is someone in my mind celebrates xmas with me is enough!
12:18 AM