Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hey people,stop blogging a month or so as laptop is spoil and my iphone cannot update blog.. Hahas..Hmm enjoying these days sonner or later its MY BIRTHDAY..Hahas..And valentine's went to mei tua aunt hse for steamboat with nigel as well then as usual gamble time haha one yr one time nevermind la happy can already...Was kept on collecting as much red packet as possible also..And try to win as much as possible what i can is no win no lose la like this better win a bit can le or will lose even more..Thn after mei tua aunt hse we decided to go to changi to see AHGUA...Lolx..Thn yw tag along with us and mei tua aunty and uncle drove us to see..But that day didnt really see the PERFECT AHGUA...Soso only haha cos cny day 1 mah all go cny..And thn work at day three sian..Was happy to meet all my cousins nephew and niece we took alot of photos as well but its not with me as the photographer was not me haha...Hmm next update shld be my bdae post haha..We gonna take as much picture as possible..And decided celebrate at Jab one And we decide to drink Tower beer instead or MARTELL as martell when we drink we wont have any feeling it will only work out at the end and we wont control in drinking and my money is like going to flow down the river..Oh ya and waterfall as well..Woots..
11:03 PM