Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Recently i took alot of photos myself..As long time nv take le..Hmm many things seems to happen especially to my dearest sister..Shall not comment more just hope all her unhappiness will end soon...Just wanna her to be happy...Long time didnt post also dont know what to update...And i dont really understand GUYS...All same thinking which sometimes i really hate alot..Dont respect gals..Their mind always the yellow side..Sigh...And this damn poor no money..Next month i think cannot so fast use up..Okay thats all for now...
8:36 PM
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Hmmm..Waiting for esther chang to upload the photos..Thus i dont have photos for this post but just wanna update a little for what ive been doing...Work still the same thing but it seems like more and more problems seem to come i hope this problems will end fast and continue everything..All humans will make mistake so do i..No one is perfect so we just have to learn from it and dont do it again...But i think they will start to loose trust on me but its all my fault so just carry on working then..These few days seldom meet up with mei wor as im busy and then just got my pay so we will be meeting tml le cant enjoy good friday with them but shall join them at night..Had just came back from Novetel Hotel for international buffet..Ad its superb the buffet is like heaven..Lols hmm the price after discount each person is $42..If no discount it will be ard $55..Anyway its once in a blue moon and nv tried before so all of us went at first was grand Hyatt but its fully booked...Shall try that next time then..Photos upload for the next post...
11:31 PM