Sunday, June 27, 2010
Seriously im feeling so so tired..Even ive got no energy to breathe already..Well at ion ive got great sales and im earning like crazy mad there but im sacrificing my body..Well maybe im not use to e environment there bah as when im at cp i relaxed for too long le so hope i can adapt soon and happily over there of cos..I wanna buy myself a PRADA wallet of cos..Im aiming for it..I wanna eat shark fin now..Dad can you cook for me???hahaha..OMG esther told me yutaki is going to work at ION...Woohoo everyday can see him..hahaha if i have e luck...Well worldcup okay still e same...So crazy and maddness of cos...
11:38 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Okays ive changed my blogskin..Hahaha..Hmm tml centrepoint is moving le hmm meaning Loccitane la..And i will be working at ION and Esther will be at pp just downstairs of cp..Got a long period of time wont be able to talk cock with her liao..Lol..Anw 1st july will be at Raffles City for Peony Roadshow had 3 full shifts...I would be tired but its okay can earn more money can liao..Hehehe..Hmm these days crazy over that STUPID FIFA...Hahaha Worldcup..Okay frankly speaking i did BET..I did win and also lose but e lose is more..I bet spain in the end f*** it david villa missed that penalty kick..Its so the KELONG la...And there goes my 100 bucks gone...Sigh..Shld have bet on Portugal they thrashed korea 7-0..My god...Okay shall not bet too much now..Pocket tight already also...Well ive met someone special..yippy...hahahha..Update again...
10:18 PM
Monday, June 07, 2010

Nothing to do and i was cam-whoring...Hahahas...Well nothing much also these day..Half recovered from my sore throat and bloody damn shit flu...I wanted to shop badly but i cant as i need to save my money...GSS is just so tempting la...How i wish my bank had tons and tons of $$$...But well reality it will never...So just admit it..Save and u can use it all at 1 go...Hahahas..Thats sounds so horrible use it all off...Hahahas...Okay shall update again maybe on mei's 19th bdae..Pictures up hopefully....And e present that im giving her...Shall surprise her..
11:11 PM
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Okay finally mei and us take photos..its like since dont know when i last took picture with her..hahaha..well just went for wax today..okay its 2nd time nt so much of e pain already thats great haha and im used to it without mei bdae is coming soon and im gonna give her big surprise...shhhh...cannot say..hahhaa...hmm these few days my life are like no club thn is either swim or work or at home slack..hahhaa..without iphone is like so boring and u know what mei said that xian xian pick up an iphone on e lucky...i also wish i can pick up an iphone hahha..but if i really did pick up will i return it to e owner...MAYBE only...haha..okay shall update again...Loves..
11:48 PM