Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Finally Ion Roadshow has ended..Its a very tiring and hectic week..Everyone of us are very tired of all the full shifts,stupid customers,very bad sales at times,look at others having good sales,hit target,and still hav to face stupid people inside the MRT...Well its all gonna end soon...All of us are half sick already..Im down with a very bad flu for a week not recovering and then a bad sorethroat..And my knees are bruised also...But im so happy becos im off today and im gonna have 2 days of annual leave every 2 days from tml onwards and i will be meeting Esther mei soon..I just hope my sorethroat will be gone by tml pls...I shouldnt eat so much chocolates la....okay i shall uploads photos of myself soon...
2:08 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

im on off day tomorrow..and dental appointment..hahaha..for adjustment and tightening..OMG..And ive received shocking news which shock all out lifes out like maddness..I almost wanna faint when i knew it...ive really got nothing to say but to stay away from it..And went sentosa with esther mei zhong sheng and gang...photos uploaded...Enjoy...
10:22 PM